Athletes, Parents and Coaches
Can Re-Shape America's Sports Culture
by Richard Taylor

Richard Taylor's ground-breaking book on coaching and sports culture tackles training issues that can cause young athletes' injuries, physical problems, and issues that can bring a promising sports career to a premature finish. This book is a Must-Read for young athletes, parents of teenage athletes, coaches, trainers, and educators. You can order here through PayPal, or click through to where you can place your order. Or send a check for $30.00 plus $6.95 S/H to Richard Taylor, P.O. Box 16, Bethel, ME 04217. Maine residents add $1.50, 5% Sales Tax.
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“The 'Letter to Parents' should be required reading in the BKL. You really nail it. I got goosebumps several times, like 'athletes are flowers, coaches are gardeners,' 'like the the swell of a wave which rises but does not break over, "athletes are flowers, coaches are gardeners"'the balloon and the bellows. And the whole thing about American sports culture really put it together for me. Thanks so much for speaking your wisdom.” ~ Bill Koch
“Every U.S. Coach in cross-country skiing and distance running should read this book, including any athlete who serious about becoming a world class athlete. This book is not just for coaches. Parents and every serious skier and runner should read this book. No Pain, No Gain? Is not just about's much more than that. It's about "the best training book for cross-country skiing published to date"our culture...a way of living... and I think it's the best training book for cross-country skiing published to date.” ~ Len Johnson, founder of Jenex, inventor and manufacturer of V2 roller skis, former Dartmouth skier and runner, involved lifelong with national and international cross-country skiing
“As much for coaches and athletes, this book is also an effort directed at bringing aspiring parents up to speed with important concepts in exercise physiology and their relationship to Nordic development......This well-done "the work of an Olympian, a lifelong scholar-athlete"manual is the work of an Olympian, a lifelong scholar-athlete, and, most of all, a keen observer of nuance in adolescent physical development.” ~ Jeffrey Leonards, Ph.D., psychologist
“Your book!! Without doubt the best writing on our beautiful sport that has been written. Outstanding! People here are impressed. The chapter on observation and vision in cross-country skiing I use in my grad student teaching in qualitative research methodology. They find it very valuable, particularly the skiers. I really enjoyed the appended material on psychology, especially [also] on the MBTI which I have used both in consulting "Outstanding!"and research since 1981.” ~ Nils Vikander, Professor, North Troendelag University College, Levanger, Norway
“What makes this book so unique is not only the research that Dick has done, but the in-depth evaluation of the data. American culture has so much to do with the U.S. Not getting better results and Dick spends about half the book addressing the problem of improper coaching and training in the U.S.”