1. Bergh, Ulf, Physiology of Cross-Country Skiing, Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, Ill., 1974(Swedish), 1982.

    An early standard, particularly relevant to understanding how pace tempers intensity, qualifying the notion of “hard training.”
  2. Berthoz, Alain, The Brains Sense of Movement, Har vard Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2000. Original in French. 344 pp.

    “We don't look where we're going; we go where we're looking.”
  3. Birklbauer, Jürgen, Modelle der Motorik, Meyer&Meyer Verlag, Aachen, 2006. 557 pp. German.

    A comprehensive review of the history of movement science and the details of modern systems-dynamic movement research.
  4. Bloom, Benjamin, ed., Developing Talent in Young People, New York, Ballentine Books1985. 600pp.

    A monumental study of the paths to mastery of 120 high-performing young people – athletes, musicians, sculptors, mathematicians, neurologists – done by the Univ. of Chicago Dept. of Education. A treasure chest of clarifying, practical insights.
  5. Bompa, Tudor, From Childhood to Champion Athlete, Veritas Publishing, Toronto, 1995.

    Bompa is the “father” of periodized strength training – through a season, through the phases of growth.
  6. Caldwell, John, The Cross-Country Ski Book, Steven Green Press, Brattleboro, 1964, 1968. 

    There are things that really don't change. That's why you check your thinking on books like this, for if in terms of history the future is ahead of us, in terms of culture it could as well be behind.
  7. Carlsen, Johannes, Skiing Technique and Motion Theory, Swedish Ski Union Education Committee, 1975.

    Better intuitive grasp of skiing than analysis, which is limited by vector analysis and Newton/inanimate mechanics.
  8. Davids, Kieth; Bennett, Simon; Newell, Karl, Movement System Variability, Human Kinetics Press, Champaign, Ill., 2006.

    Recent research, useful in understanding how efficient movement, dynamic balance, is achieved through variability, not by attempting to eliminate it.
  9. Gregor, J., Conconi, F., eds., Road Cycling, IOC Medical Commission Publication, Blackwell Scientific, London, 2000.

    Valuable comparisons to skiing can be found, and becoming a knowledgeable biker can help you become a more intelligent skier.
  10. Hall, Marty; Penfold, Pam, One Stride Ahead, Winchester Press, 1982.

    Insightful, reasoned and thorough. If the most progressive program director and coach in North America in a generation writes, you read....., and then you read again.
  11. Hanin, Yuri ed., Emotions in Sport, Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, Ill. 2000.

    The best review of applied sports psychological paradigms and a description of Hanin's IZOF (individual goal of optimum functioning) approach. He has worked with many Europeans.
  12. Hawley, John A., Running, IOC Medical Commis sion Publication, Blackwell Science Ltd., London, 2000.

    Like biking, running is such a part of ski training, skiers need to learn how to run with fundamental, broad understanding.
  13. Hay, James, The Biomechanics of Sports Technique, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1973, 1975, 1985.

    A standard in the field, a real reference book.
  14. Hemmersbach, Arnd; Franke, Stéphane, Skilanglauf, Ausrüstung-Skipräparation-Lauftechnik-Training, Copress Sport, München, 2008.

    All aspects are covered at a high level, including detailed year-long training plans.
  15. Ernst Herberger, Dr., et.al, Rudern/Rowing, Berlin Sport Verlag(former East Germany), 1977; Toronto: Sports Books Publisher, 1990.

    One of the best, and more moderate, presentations of training development I have studied.
  16. Kataja, Heikki, ed., Cross-Country Skiing. Techniques and Equipment, Finnish Ski Assoc., Helsinki, 1996.

    A small book with both basics of science and technique, recent research/analysis of skating.
  17. Levitin, Daniel, This is Your Brain on Music, Dutton, Canada, 2006.

    The laws of harmony in music have analogies to graceful, efficient movement. Also some helpful comment on reliable experimental method.
  18. Lindinger, Stefan, Biomechanische Analysen von Skatingtechniken im Skilanglauf, Meyer&Meyer, Aachen, 2006, 344pp.

    Historical review and detailed analyses. Above all, the review covers the evolution/changes in skating theory and practice and the modern variants.
  19. Lydiard, Arthur, Running the Lydiard Way, Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd., Auckland, 1978.

    Lydiard is truly the father of modern endurance training, world wide, from understanding training physiology to technique to tactics. Knowing Lydiard is to know how we got to where training is today. Out of print in English, his books remain widely read in German translation.
  20. Martin, David; Coe, Peter, Better Training for Distance Runners, Human Kinetics Publishers, 1991, 1997.

    At over 400 pages, perhaps the most thorough presentation of speed-endurance physiology and applied multi-tiered training practice. A true reference work, and one of Trond Nystad's favorites.
  21. McDougall, Christopher, Born to Run, Knopf, New York, 2010.

    An adventure into the human nature of natural endurance running.
  22. Murphy, Shane, ed., Sport Psychology Interventions, Human Kinetics Publishers, 1995.

    Case studies and theory – illuminating, humane, humbling and very helpful to any coach.
  23. Reiter, Toni; Maier, Sigi, Cross-Country Skiing, Racing Techniques and Training Tips, Barron's, Wodbury, NY, 1980.

    Originally in German. Interesting basic insights and research for the time. Helpful to see the middle steps to modern skiing.
  24. Rusko, Heikki, ed., Cross-Country Skiing, IOC Medical Commission Publication, Blackwell Science, Ltd. London, 2000.

    Thorough, up-to-date, no-nonsense insights into ski practice and science. The biomechanics chapter, by Gerald Smith, however, is out of touch with modern movement theory and research.
  25. Schwirz, Ansgar, DSV Lehrplan Skilanglauf, Technik-Methodik-Training, Deutscher Skiverband, Planegg, 2006.

    The curriculum book for German ski coaching professionals.
  26. Shneidman, N. Norman, The Soviet Road to Olympus. Theory and Practice of Soviet Physical Culture and Sport, Ontarion Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, 1979.

    The science and discipline of Soviet sports culture was more humane than our Cold War biases might have suggested.
  27. Tanser, Toby, Train Hard, Win Easy. The Kenyan Way, TAF News Press, Mountain View, CA, 2001.

    How Kenyan culture and development systems lead eventually to high capacities for volumes of fast threshold training.
  28. Viru, Atko, Adaptation in Sports Training, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1995.

    The most comprehensive review of sports science I have encountered, buttressed by hundreds of scientific references, among them all the eastern European and Soviet Russian sources.
  29. Weinberg, Robert; Gould, Daniel, Foundations of Sports and Exercise Psychology, 4th Edition, Human Kinetics Publishers, 2007.

    Basic coaching “equipment.”
  30. Wirhed, Rolf, Athletic Ability and the Anatomy of Motion, Wolfe Medical Publications, Orebro, Sweden, 1984.

    How the human body generates complex movements described and illustrated in considerable detail. The most practical text I know on basic movement mechanics.
  31. Vygotsky, L.S., Mind in Society. The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1978.

    Very early beginnings of what was to become influential practice in child development research protocols. His emphasis on field testing as opposed to laboratory testing anticipates both modern medical research practice and systems-dynamic theory of movement.
  32. Yuri Verkhoshansky/ Mel Siff, Supertraining
    6th edition 2009 (1st edition 1993)

    Verkoshansky is the dean of European sports scientists on the subjects of strength and speed. This reference book is massive and comprehensive, simply indispensable for any serious coach.

Note: This list does not include a host of pamphlets and journal articles.